About the Album

Das neue Album von Dead Born Vision «Moving through» ist eine natürliche Weiterentwicklung der vormaligen beiden EPs «Dead Born Vision» (2018) und «Reborn to reign» (2022). Mit überarbeitetem Songwriting verfeinerte man die Songs zu ihrer jetzigen besten Version ihrerselbst . Neben dem straightforward Death-/Thrash Metal-Sound, laden die subtilen Texte zum Nachdenken an. Das Cover ziert das Dead Born Vision-Maskottchen «Helvetor». Es symbolisiert, auch mal die eigenen Mauern zu durchbrechen, denn oft genug sind die Menschen in ihren Sichtweisen gefangen.

The new album from Dead Born Vision, «Moving Through», is a natural progression from their previous two EPs, «Dead Born Vision» (2018) and «Reborn to Reign» (2022). With revamped songwriting, the songs have been refined to their best versions yet. Alongside the straightforward Death/Thrash Metal sound, the subtle lyrics invite deep reflection. The cover features the Dead Born Vision mascot, «Helvetor», symbolizing the idea of breaking through one's own barriers, as people are often trapped in their own perspectives.

About the Band

DEAD BORN VISION wurde 2017 in Basel, gegründet. Ihr Stil ist eine Mischung aus groovigem «old-school» Death-/Thrash-Metal. Line-up: Gesang: David Ackermann; Gitarre: Nicole Ackermann; Gitarre: Stefan Hunter; Bass: Tom Brutschin; Drums: Stefan Buchser

BORN VISION was founded in Basel in 2017. Their style is a mix of groovy "old-school" Death/Thrash Metal. Line-up: Vocals: David Ackermann; Guitar: Nicole Ackermann; Guitar: Stefan Hunter; Bass: Tom Brutschin; Drums: Stefan Buchser.
